2023 Parts Unlimited ATV & UTV

BOLD MAGENTA part numbers are new for 2023 PLOWS & IMPLEMENTS PARTS-UNLIMITED.COM ATV/UTV | 2023 45 1 Must use Can-Am winch mount on Outlander 400. 5 Requires pulley kit PART #4501-0699 6 Not for two-bolt winches 7 If using Moose VR winches: 2500/​3500. 8 Must use Moose Aggro winch. FITS MODEL REQUIRED: FRAME PART # SUG. RETAIL MOUNT PLATE PART # SUG. RETAIL REQUIRED: WINCH MOUNT PART # SUG. RETAIL PULLEY KIT PART # SUG. RETAIL CAN-AM Outlander 400 06-14 4501-0763 $344.95 4501-07871 $206.95 4505-0640 $67.95 4501-0699 $71.95 Outlander / Max 450L 4X4 15-19 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0671 208.95 - - 4501-0699 71.95 Outlander 450 17-20 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0671 208.95 - - 4501-0699 71.95 Outlander 500 07-12 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0787 206.95 4505-0638 65.95 4501-0699 71.95 Outlander 500 13-14 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0811 206.95 - - 4501-0699 71.95 Outlander 500L 4X4 15 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0671 208.95 - - 4501-0699 71.95 Outlander 570L 16-19 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0671 208.95 - - 4501-0699 71.95 Outlander MAX 570 XT 19 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0671 208.95 - - 4501-0699 71.95 Outlander 650 06-12 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0787 206.95 4505-0638 65.95 4501-0699 71.95 Outlander 650 13-15 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0811 206.95 - - 4501-0699 71.95 Outlander 650 MAX XT/X-MR 17-20 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0671 208.95 - - 4501-0699 71.95 Outlander 800 06-11 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0787 206.95 4505-0638 65.95 4501-0699 71.95 Outlander 800 R 12-15 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0811 206.95 - - 4501-0699 71.95 Outlander 850 16-19 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0671 208.95 - - 4501-0699 71.95 Outlander 1000 R 12-17 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0811 206.95 - - 4501-0699 71.95 Outlander 1000 X MR 16-20 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0671 208.95 - - 4501-0699 71.95 HONDA Rancher 420 15-19 (IRS model only) 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0789 102.95 4505-06336, 8 57.95 4501-0699 71.95 Rancher 420 15-19 (IRS model only) 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0789 102.95 4505-07537 83.95 4501-0699 71.95 Rancher 420 14-20 (straight axle) 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0789 102.95 4505-06336, 8 57.95 4501-0699 71.95 Rancher 420 14-20 (straight axle) 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0789 102.95 4505-07537 83.95 4501-0699 71.95 Rancher 420 DCT (IRS) 19 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0789 102.95 4505-06336, 8 57.95 4501-0699 71.95 Foreman 500 14-17 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0789 102.95 4505-07537 83.95 4501-0699 71.95 Foreman 500 14-17 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0789 102.95 4505-06336, 8 57.95 4501-0699 71.95 Foreman 500 DCT/​EPS 19 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0789 102.95 4505-07537 83.95 4501-0699 71.95 Rubicon 500 15-19 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0789 102.95 4505-06336, 8 57.95 4501-0699 71.95 Rubicon 500 15-19 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0789 102.95 4505-07537 83.95 4501-0699 71.95 Rincon 650/​680 03-20 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0769 229.95 4505-0642 67.95 4501-0699 71.95 Pioneer 500 15-20 4501-0764 392.95 4501-0805 102.95 4505-0693 87.95 4501-0699 71.95 KAWASAKI Brute Force 650 (Ind. Susp.) 11-12 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0766 206.95 4505-0654 77.95 4501-0699 71.95 Brute Force 750 08-20 4501-0763 344.95 4501-0766 206.95 4505-0654 77.95 4501-0699 71.95 Mule 610 05-16 4501-0764 392.95 4501-08035 262.95 4505-0677 91.95 4501-0699 71.95 REPLACEMENT REMOVABLE MOUNT DESCRIPTION PART # SUG. RETAIL ATV 4501-0799 $142.95 UTV 4501-0800 173.95 RM4 PLOW MOUNTING SYSTEMS • Tailgate style latch for easy on and off • Receiver-style mount is easily removed • Increased strength of the bottom support plates • Triangulated front mount push tube for maximum strength and stability • 30” of lift height on some models • Works with all current RM4 mount plates • Fits all Moose straight or county blades up to 72” • Made in the U.S.A. RM4 PLOW MOUNTING SYSTEMS continued on next page. 4501-0766 4501-0797 4501-0769 4501-0811 4501-0763 Lift handle 4501-0787