2024 Parts Unlimited Street

BOLD MAGENTA part numbers are new for 2024 EXHAUST PARTS-UNLIMITED.COM STREET | 2024 85 DISCLAIMER: *EMIS (EMISSIONS CATEGORIZATION CODE). SEE PAGES 4-6 FOR CATEGORY CODES, IMPORTANT EPA/CARB EMISSION DEFINITIONS AND REGULATORY COMPLIANCE AND NOTICE REGARDING NOISE REGULATIONS. PRODUCTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLES IF NOT CATEGORIZED AS “1” OR “4”. PART # SUG. RETAIL 1861-0816 $82.95 MATRIX HEAT SHIELD™ MAT •The Matrix Heat Shield Mat is a unique self-adhesive heat shield with a carbon-fiber finish •Made from crushed volcanic rock; 25% stronger than a typical fiberglass wrap •Weather and chemical-resistant • 12” x 24” DESCRIPTION PART # SUG. RETAIL BLACK 2” x 25’ kit 1861-0318 $103.95 1” x 50’ kit 1861-0729 96.95 TAN 2” x 25’ kit 1861-0319 95.95 DESCRIPTION PART # SUG. RETAIL MATRIX 2” x 25’ kit 1861-0829 $95.95 1” x 50’ kit 1861-0828 95.95 1 Matrix does not include stainless steel ties. HIGH-TEMPERATURE EXHAUST WRAP KITS •Wraps will increase power and reduce radiated exhaust heat • Kits includes 2”W x 25’ L or 1”W x 50’ L top-quality high-temperature wrap and four stainless-steel tie wraps for that finishing touch •Wraps can withstand up to 1,200° continuous and 2,000° intermittent DESCRIPTION PART # SUG. RETAIL Tan wrap w/ aluminum HT Silicone Coating 1861-1555 $58.95 Tan wrap w/ white HT Silicone Coating 1861-1556 58.95 White wrap w/ white HT Silicone Coating 1861-1557 58.95 EXHAUST WRAP KITS • Each kit includes two 2” x 15” rolls of exhaust wrap, eight 8” and four 14” stainless steel Locking Ties to secure wrap and HT Silicone™ Coating spray that penetrates, seals, protects and preserves wrap •Made in the U.S.A. DESCRIPTION PART # SUG. RETAIL 1”W x 50’L 1861-1119 $56.95 2”W x 50’L 1861-1120 77.95 BASALT EXHAUST WRAP •Made of woven basalt lava rock material •Basalt Exhaust Wrap can withstand up to 1,800°F continuous operation and 2,500°F intermittent •Stronger than standard fiberglass •Available in natural bronze •Made in the U.S.A. DESCRIPTION PART # SUG. RETAIL 1” X 50’ Tan 1861-0339 $39.95 Black 1861-0340 49.95 2” X 50’ Tan M30050 64.95 Black 1861-0341 67.95 EXHAUST WRAP •Fiberglass cloth wrap •Stable at temperatures up to 2000°F •Insulates exhaust header pipes to protect you and your machine from intense heat •Generous size roll is enough to wrap one long header or critical areas on multiple exhausts •Made in the U.S.A. DESCRIPTION PART # SUG. RETAIL 1” W x 25’ L, tan 1861-1113 $26.95 1” W x 25’ L, black 1861-1115 28.95 DESCRIPTION PART # SUG. RETAIL 2” W x 25’ L, tan 1861-1114 $37.95 2” W x 25’ L, black 1861-1116 37.95 FIBERGLASS EXHAUST WRAP •Temperature rating of 1200°F continuous/​2000°F intermittent •Made in the U.S.A. DESCRIPTION PART # SUG. RETAIL 1”W x 25’L 1861-1117 $32.95 DESCRIPTION PART # SUG. RETAIL 2”W x 25’L 1861-1118 $43.95 HIGH-TEMPERATURE EXHAUST WRAP •Made from crushed volcanic basalt •Temperature rating of 1800°F continuous/​2500°F intermittent •Stronger than standard fiberglass •Natural glossy bronze color •Made in the U.S.A. Matrix detail Matrix detail 1861-1118 1861-1116 1861-1113 1861-1119 1861-0318 1861-0319 1861-1555 1861-1556 1861-1557 1861-0341 1861-0339